Welcome to Wellsprings Church! Like many churches, our core and greatest desire at Wellsprings is that God would be glorified in and through us, and sometimes, in spite of us.
We are a church committed to the long term vision of expanding of the Kingdom primarily, though not exclusively, through God’s ordained institution of the family. History has taught us, “as goes the family, so goes the culture.” As the culture moves farther away from the Biblical understanding of what constitutes a family, the means of establishing generations of faithful believers becomes more and more difficult.
In response to that challenge, Wellsprings aims to glorify God by strengthening Biblical families that will leave a legacy of God-glorifying, Christ-centered people who seek to make disciples of all nations.
Church Model
We have a few ways in which our model affects how we function as a church.
Here are some highlights:
- Sharing Life. Twice a month, following our service, the entire congregation gathers to share a meal and fellowship with one another. This is a celebration, a reunion of sorts, where we have the opportunity to share our lives. Even when we don’t gather to share a meal on Sundays, we encourage families to continue to fellowship through hospitality and inviting one another into their homes.
- Age-Integrated. When our church comes together on Sunday mornings, it is a family reunion. Each family has been out all week living the gospel, and we come together to be encouraged, equipped, and challenged. We do not age-segregate our families when they come together. Rather, we worship (in song, prayer, communion, teaching) as one, from the youngest to the oldest, from smaller households of one to larger households of 5, 10 or more!
Leadership Model
- The Team of Elders. If you were to visit Wellsprings on several occasions, you might find it difficult to figure just who is in charge. This is because Wellsprings adheres to the model of a team (plurality) of elders. The church belongs to Christ, and the elders are his undershepherds, responsible to God for the direction, care, and growth of the families God has placed them over. The term elder is synonymous with the term pastor. However, pastor refers to the function (imperative), while elder refers to the office (indicative). These elders are supported by deacons who assist with administrative elements as well as benevolence and ministry to the families in the body. Because of this, we can spread around the various responsibilities to leadership and ministry to the congregation.